December 15, 2009

Goodbye Melbourne by Musketeer Fionnuala Fox

Posted in FUTURO-Plan, UBIEE, UBIEE Solutions, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , at 4:48 pm by 6musketeers

Musketeer Fionnuala Fox WOW it seems no time since we were counting the days to the UBIEE participation in the   Parliament of the World’s Religions World Peace Event. Now it is over it is time to reflect and plan, with harmony as our strength. It is Goodbye Melbourne, Hello Zaragoza.
Goodbye Melbourne, Hello Zaragoza
We all worked hard promoting, translating, making buttons and banners, financing where we could, HQ organizing and monitoring, sometimes thinking, OMG, are we going to make it? Well we sure did; our 7 doves landed in Melbourne and put action into place from the minute they arrived.

A few hic-ups at the start with communication and technology but what an end result from our 7 UBIEE Doves. Whilst Chelo, our President, was mediating she was photographed by the Dalai Lama’s personal photographer and upon his request gave him the FUTURO-Plan manual. In return he gave her the address of his Office in NSW where we can send further information. A grand finale for UBIEE at this special event.

Image by Sand Das

PLUS, the exhibitors sure were glad UBIEE was there, as Dr Michael kicked the butt of the organizers and sorted that the exorbitant fees charged were waived. A big mistake on the part of the organizers which in the end WILL cost them dearly, shame on them.

Being so important to ALL the Children of the World, I have always been supportive of the FUTURO-Plan but even more so now. I feel proud that I am part of history in the making, and will spread the word as far and wide as I can. Changes can only happen if we make them happen.

Remember Keith’s prayer;

Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,
For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun will shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace.

Now the Melbourne event is over, the promotions for the Sponsors will change as we now have pictures and videos shot in the Convention Center. These pictures and videos have made us all feel part of the journey, but now we must plan our journey to Zaragoza.

Special thanks to Our 7 Peace Doves
E1- Chelo Rodiguez Gato
E1- Joe Green
E1- Deborah Barton-Birden
E1- Marion & Syd Hume
E1- Keith Rankin
E1- Gaye Wearne

All Doves and the UBIEE Team online and offline have done just amazing; congratulations to everyone.
Step by step our dreams of peace and the FUTURO-Plan will be realized and the world will know that we have THE SOLUTION.


God Bless

Fionnuala (Fifi)

The 6 Musketeers

The 6 Musketeers